Thursday, June 5, 2008

Buzz Lightyear in space


Another related project is NASA's collaboration with Disney - "an educational program designed to inspire children's interest in space and celestial discovery".

Daddy doll


My former colleague Elan just sent me a link to this ABC article about the Daddy dolls. Cute!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The traveling parent blog

Image: Armchair Media

I just stumbled upon this blog by Tom Daly who introduces himself in the following way:

I am a business traveling parent of 4. This blog supports some books I wrote to help parents like me who wanted to be able to help their young kids better understand the need for business travel. I currently work for Coca-Cola and in this job, travel pretty frequently.
Turns out, Tom has written a series of (four) books related to the topic: "Sometimes i work in..." (subtitle: "What I do when I am not with you"). Really cute and very interesting. I just order all four of them.