Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Transitional objects

Image: Wikipedia

Today, I finally found what I have been looking for - a scientific term for the concept of emotionally "charged" objects and toys. Wikipedia says:

Donald Woods Winnicott (1896-1971) introduced the concepts of transitional objects and transitional experience in reference to a particular developmental sequence. With ‘transition’ Winnicott means an intermediate developmental phase between the psychic and external reality. In this ‘transitional space’ we can find the ‘transitional object’.
I have found a number of interesting books and papers on the topic:


The Creation of a Shared Space through Fantasy between a Seven Year Old Child and his Therapist: A Case Study (Lydia Cohen-Kreisberger)

Transitional objects and transitional phenomena; a study of the first not-me possession (D.W. Winnicott)

Attachment to a special object at the age of three years: Behavior and temperament characteristics (William Garrison and Felton Earls)

The three-year-old and his attachment to a special soft object (David Boniface and Philip Graham)


Playing and Reality (D.W. Winnicott)

Collected papers, through paediatrics to psycho-analysis (D.W. Winnicott)

Winnicott On the Child (D.W. Winnicott)

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